Effects of Mobile Banking In Enhancing Organizational Competitiveness: A Case Study of Eco bank

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Daystar University School of Business and Economics


The banking sector in Kenya has experienced turbulent times following the collapse of many banks in the 1990s. Mobile banking offers millions of people a potential solution in emerging markets that have access to a cell phone, yet remain excluded from the financial mainstream. It can make basic financial services more accessible by minimizing time and distance to the nearest retail bank branches as well as reducing the bank‘s own overheads and transaction- related costs. The objective of this study was therefore to determine the effect of mobile banking in enhancing organizational competitiveness in Kenya. The descriptive study aimed at identifying the specific effects of adoption and increased usage of mobile banking. The study used census method in 9 banking branches within Nairobi County. The data collected was cleaned, coded and systematically organized in a manner that facilitated analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Quantitative analysis was analyzed through descriptive statistics such as measure of central tendency that generated relevant percentages, frequency counts, and mean where possible. The study targeted 110 respondents 96 of whom filled the questionnaires making a response rate of 87%. The study established how efficiency, cost, speed and affordability had an effect in mobile banking in enhancing organizational competitiveness. It also emerged that business growth and customer base greatly affected the organizational competitiveness. The study recommended that organizations should develop strategies for competitive sustainability as the market enlarges.


Masters Of Business Administration In Strategic Management


Mobile Banking, Enhancing Organizational Competitiveness, Eco bank


Muriuki. G, N. (2015). Effects of Mobile Banking In Enhancing Organizational Competitiveness: A Case Study of Eco bank. Daystar University School of Business and Economics