Exploring The Implications of Gendering Food Security in Kapenguria Constituency, West Pokot County.

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Daystar University, School of Arts and Social Sciences


Food security has been a critical problem, representing numerous challenges worldwide. Gender in food security is an ongoing concern in various roundtable discussions and panels. The intersection of gender and food security interlinkages brings out the need to address this challenge due to growing food insecurity concerns. A concurrent explanatory design explored the nuances of gendering food security and why it is a growing challenge to women. Questionnaires were formulated and distributed to explore the whole picture of how women understand the dynamics of food security. The factors to be considered in the questionnaire were social determinants like access to resources, for instance, land property rights, level of education and knowledge on agricultural practices, and their participation in food security policies. Collecting numerical and statistical data assisted in understanding the interconnection between gender and food security. At the same time, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with Kapenguria Constituency residents, local authorities, and other stakeholders. Using thematic analysis, the study looked for emerging themes and patterns that shed light on the complex relationships between gender dynamics and food security in this environment. The goal of this qualitative strand was to document the narratives and real-life experiences about gender roles, resource accessibility, and the processes involved in making decisions about the production and distribution of food. The research held significance in the provision of valuable insights for tailored interventions and policy suggestions to tackle gender-specific obstacles to food security. The research offered empirical data to support broader generalizations while capturing the complexity of individual experiences.


Master of Arts in Diplomacy, Development, and International Security


Food security, Gender, Challenge to women., Access to resources


Wanyaga, K. F. (2024). Exploring The Implications of Gendering Food Security in Kapenguria Constituency, West Pokot County. Daystar University, School of Arts and Social Sciences.