The Role of Kenya’s Contemporary Musicians in The East African Community Integration Process

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School of Arts and Social Sciences, Daystar University


This research examines the contribution contemporary musicians can make in the efforts towards improving the integration of East African Community (EAC) member states socially and economically. Music has throughout history played a crucial role in political and Pan-Africanist movements across the continent –ranging from mobilizing the masses to take part in the uprising against colonial powers, encouraging patriotism, wooing voters to take part in elections, playing an activist role against poor leadership among others. The key objectives of the study were to first, examine Kenya’s contemporary musicians’ perception on the potential of contemporary music in aiding regional integration; second to establish areas in which contemporary music in Kenya can be improved to maximize its socio-economic benefits; and lastly to assess challenges faced by Kenya’s contemporary musicians in expanding their audience across the borders. This study is qualitative and it employed the use of depth interviews and focus group discussions with various stakeholders in the Kenyan music industry based in the capital, Nairobi. In the study, it became evident that music possesses a lot of power and it would be in order to tap this power towards African socio-economic development and integration efforts.


Masters Thesis


Contemporary Musicians, East African Community, Integration Process


Odondi, E. O,. (2023, Thesis). The Role Of Kenya’s Contemporary Musicians In The East African Community Integration Process. School of Arts and Social Sciences, Daystar University