Strategic Management Practices And Organizational Performance Of Parastatals In Kenya: A Case Of Higher Education Loans Board

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School of Business and Economics, Daystar University


ABSTRACT HELB has the mandate of sourcing for funding to support Kenyan students pursuing higher education, disbursement of the funds as bursaries and loans to the students, recovery of outstanding loans and establishment of a viable and sustainable revolving fund. Over the years post basic education sector has been expanded, however, this has led to increased demand for financing. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether HELB had adopted strategic management practices, determine what constitutes organizational performance, as well as investigate the effect of strategic management practices on organizational performance. The study was anchored on Dynamic Capabilities Theory and utilized a descriptive study design. A sample of 56 management staff was established using stratified random sampling at 50% ratio of the target population sub-groups. Questionnaires along with consent forms were distributed and 36 were returned duly completed indicative of a 64% response rate. The validity of the questionnaire was achieved through expert opinion and reliability was measured using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient which resulted in a rate above 0.9 on all variables. A pre-test was conducted and administered on 11 management-level employees of the Ministry of Education. Descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation were presented while the effect of strategic management practices on organizational performance was analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. The findings of the correlation analysis demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between strategic management practices and organizational performance. The study concluded that HELB had adopted strategic management practices and uses the Balanced Scorecard to track and monitor financial as well as non-financial indicators of organizational performance. The study recommends strengthening the performance management process, enhancing stakeholder engagement, and continuously implementing and conducting reviews of strategic management practices.


Masters Thesis


Strategic Managemen, Organizational Performance, Parastatals, Kenya, Higher Education Loans Board


Opiyo, A, K,. (2023, Thesis). Strategic Management Practices And Organizational Performance Of Parastatals In Kenya: A Case Of Higher Education Loans Board.School of Business and Economics, Daystar University