Laplace Transform Solution of Hydromagnetic Steady Flow of Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Two Infinite Parallel Plates.
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Hydromagnetics involves the effect of externally impressed magnetic field on the onset
of thermal instability in electrically conducting fluids. In broad terms, the subject of
hydromagnetics is concerned with the ways in which magnetic fields can affect fluid behavior.
These fluids include liquid metals and highly ionized gas-like substances called plasmas. When
we consider a fluid which has the property of electrical conduction; and suppose also that
magnetic fields are prevalent. The electrical conductivity of the fluid and the prevalence of
magnetic fields contribute to effects of two kind: first, by motion of the electrically conducting
fluid across the magnetic lines of force, electric currents are generated and the associated
magnetic fields contribute to changes in the existing fields; and second, the fact that the fluid
elements carrying currents transverse magnetic lines of force contributes to additional forces
acting on the fluid elements. It is in this two fold interaction between the motions and the fields
that is responsible for patterns of behavior which are often unexpected and striking.
Journal Article
Hydromagnetics, magnetic field, fluid, conduction, electric currents