Assessment of The Effects of Contractual Employment on Performance in The Banking Industry: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi Region

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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics


The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of contractual employment on performance in the banking industry, a case of Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi region Its objectives were to establish the reasons for implementing contractual employment and its roles on performance in KCB, determine the effects on KCB’s performance related to contractual employment and examine how KCB was coping with the challenges posed by contractual employment and how these challenges affected the bank’s performance. The study adopted descriptive design to research and the target population was thirty eight contractual employees based at Moi avenue branch, Nairobi region. Purposive sampling technique was used to select sample size of 38 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The study found that contractual employment improved the bank’s performance in regards to efficiency and financial performance as indicated by a mean of 4.93 and 4.88 respectively. The study also found that there was need for management to provide job security and employee’s motivation as well as improve contractual employees’ training to improve on their morale, motivation and overall production. The study concluded that management in Kenya Commercial Bank employed its staff on contract basis in order to reduce cost, for ease of dismissal and to reduce workload and increase staff flexibility. The study recommended that commercial banks should motivate contractual employees and recognize their efforts in order to improve their productivity in terms of efficiency and financial performance. KCB should implement proper human asset management practices to reduce high rates of unscheduled turnover for example by integrating temporary workers into the bank.


Master of Business Administration in Human Resource


Contractual Employment, Banking Industry, Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi Region


Kamau .S .(2013) .Assessment of The Effects of Contractual Employment on Performance in The Banking Industry: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi Region : Daystar University, School of Business and Economics, Nairobi.