Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Mitigating Depression and Enhancing Academic Performance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents in Selected Primary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya.


This study employed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with the intention to reduce depression symptoms and enhance academic performance of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) adolescents in selected primary schools, Nairobi County, Kenya. The main objective was to establish the effectiveness of REBT in treating depression and enhancing academic performance among DHH adolescents. The study utilized quasi-experimental design in which Aga Khan Primary School was the experimental group and Joseph Kangethe Primary School was the control group. The study sample size was 64 DHH adolescents from Pre-Primary one to class eight aged between 14 to 20 years. Data collection was done through the social demographic questionnaires, Becks depression inventory and document analysis. The findings revealed that the respondents’ academic performance was affected by the mode of communication used, frequency of respondents’ caregiver assistance in doing homework, giving extra homework and who the respondents share their problems with at β = -.010 (p=0.014), β=-0.153 (p=0.054), β=0.005 (p=0.007) and β=0.111 (p=0.050) respectively. In addition, the study findings revealed that there was association between predictive factors and academic performance on caregivers who attended school meetings (p=0.034), encouraging respondents to always work hard (p=0.034), caregivers who are role models to respondents (p=0.052) and respondents being taught life skills by caregivers (p=0.006). The results revealed that the effect size between subjects was substantial and had effects from baseline to midline F=33.348 d=.353 (CI=-1.460 - -.709) and midline to end line at F=61.449 d = .502 (CI= -1.907 - -1.132). National policy makers (Ministry of Education/KICD)implement inclusion of sign language in the curriculum taught in schools and exclusion of school based counselors.


Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Mitigating Depression, Academic Performance, Deaf, Hard of Hearing Adolescents, Primary School, Nairobi County, Kenya


Kerongo, S. M. O. (2020). Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Mitigating Depression and Enhancing Academic Performance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents in Selected Primary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. Daystar University, School of Human and Social Sciences: Nairobi