Influence of PR Strategies on the success of CEO’s image in selected organizations in Kenya
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International Journal of Communications and Public Relations
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of PR strategies on the success
of CEO‟s image in selected organizationsin Kenya
Methodology: The current research adopted both quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed
method) using the survey research design. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews.
The entire population in this research was all corporate companies that have participated in the
COYA awards in the last five years. However, the sample population in this study was selected
Public Relations departments and selected CEOs whose organizations had successfully been
recognized as either top- ranking or bottom ranking the COYA annual awards in the last five
years. The sampling approach that was used in this study is non-probability sampling, and the
researcher used purposive sampling.The process of data analysis included organizing, analyzing
and summarizing all the findings. Quantitative data was analyzed by the use descriptive statistics
and presented in form of frequency tables, charts, and graph.
Results: Results indicate that the majority of respondents strongly agreed with the statement that
the PR department is involved in training the CEO in public speaking skills to mould his
image(46% ), that the PR deprtment is involved in training the CEO in non verbal skills to mold
his image to the public(43%), that CEO is consitently trained on interpersonal interaction( 44%),
that the CEO is coached on the communication words to boost his image to the public(44%).
Results further indicate that a majority of respondents strongly agreed with the statament that
the PR department helps the CEO to select venues and props before addressing the public(58%),
that the PR department shapes the CEO media and public appearances (63%) and that the PR
department trains the CEO in corporate dressing and image marketing.
Recommendations: The study recommends that since there seems to be a positive relationship
between organization performance and the CEOs positive image, then PR departments and CEOs
should seriously emphasize on the important role of PR department in shaping the CEOs image.
PR strategies, CEO‟s image
Njoroge, Carol & Obonyo, Levy Influence of PR Strategies on the success of CEO’s image in selected organizations in Kenya(2017)International Journal of Communications and Public Relations,