Characteristics and competencies of teachers of gifted and talented learners: A case study of Makini Schools, Nairobi County
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Daystar University, School of Human and Social Sciences
This study examined the characteristics and competencies of teachers of gifted and talented (GT) learners, using a case study of Makini Schools, in Nairobi County. The objectives of the study were to examine the characteristics of teachers of GT learners, to examine their competencies of teachers of GT learners, to establish the methods used by teachers to identify GT learners, and to establish the intervention programs for GT learners. The target population for the study comprised teachers and administrators of the primary section at Makini Schools, and Stadi za Maisha Education Trust (SZMET) training staff. A sample of 134 teachers, and six Makini Schools’ administrators was drawn using a census. In addition, purposive sampling was used to select three SZMET training staff. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview guide. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21 and presented in frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was analyzed according to the themes of the study. Key findings of the study were that slightly more than half of the respondents 56(57.7%) were involved in identifying GT learners; only 26(26.8%) of the respondents were involved in intervention programs, indicating GT learners are not nurtured to enable them reach their full potential; behaviour rating scales/observation ranked highly (at 70.5%) among the methods used by teachers to identify GT learners; training of teachers (rated at 59.3%) would improve the teachers’ capacity to nurture GT learners. The study therefore recommends that more effort be put in intervention programs for the GT learners since the learners are already being identified yet not much is being done to nurture them.
Master of Arts
in Child Development
Teachers, Gifted and talented learners, Makini Schools, Nairobi County
Heyi, C. I. (2018). Characteristics and competencies of teachers of gifted and talented learners: A case study of Makini Schools, Nairobi County. Daystar University, School of Human and Social Sciences