Assessing the Effectiveness of Universal Health Coverage Program on Health Service Delivery in Level Five Hospitals in Kenya a Case of Makueni Level Five Hospital Makueni County Kenya


The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the universal health coverage (UHC) program on service delivery in level five hospitals in Kenya. Its objectives were to determine the effectiveness of UHC program on healthcare services delivery, identify the strategies put in place to enhance the effectiveness of service delivery, and to determine the challenges faced in implementing the UHC. The study used the descriptive research design and its target population included healthcare workers and patients who sought health services at Makueni Level Five Hospital. Simple random sampling techniques was used to select a sample size of 93 respondents. Questionnaires were used in data collection and the data was analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS), version 24. Regarding the strategies put in place to enhance the effectiveness of UHC program, 53(70%) of the respondents stated that free maternity had been put in place in enhancing the effectiveness of UHC. Other strategies put in place included NHIF Scheme at 35(26.3%), healthcare financing at 22(28.9%). In regard to facilities, 61(80%) of the respondents stated the facilities were adequate although not all medicines were available. Similarly, 55(73%) of the respondents indicated that UHC had improved service delivery by enabling all patients to access healthcare and expanding hospital facilities. Regarding the challenges faced in UHC implementation, 50(66%) of the respondents reported that there was a shortage of drugs in hospitals, while 38(50%) stated that the supply of health facilities and equipment was inadequate. It was concluded that that health services in Makueni Level Five hospital were accessible. The study recommended that the government needs to intensify efforts to raise the uptake of health insurance to ease the burden of healthcare costs and improve healthcare access, especially to the poor.


Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation


Effectiveness, Universal, Health, Coverage, Level, Five, Hospitals, Kenya, Makueni, Kenya


Kisali. B. (October, 2021). Assessing the Effectiveness of Universal Health Coverage Program on Health Service Delivery in Level Five Hospitals in Kenya a Case of Makueni Level Five Hospital Makueni County Kenya. Daystar University, School of Human and Social Sciences; Nairobi.