Investigation Of Socio-Emotional Effects Of Sudden Reintegration During Covid-19 Outbreak.A Case Of Selected Children Institutions In Machakos County, Kenya
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School of Applied Human Sciences, Daystar University
This study delved into the socio-emotional repercussions of the sudden reintegration of children from selected institutions in Machakos County, Kenya, prompted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. It focused on children aged 11-18, a crucial phase in their lives characterized by significant physical, social, and emotional transformations. The objectives of the research were understanding the prevalence of institutionalization period in Machakos county, examining the risks faced by children during and after reintegration, assessing the socio-emotional impact of sudden institutional closure on these children, and exploring the support structures that facilitate successful reintegration during interruptions. The study sites encompassed Machakos girls' rescue center and Village of Hope children's home, with a pilot phase conducted at Terry Child Children's Home. Data collection involved purposive sampling, incorporating in-depth interviews. Qualitative data underwent thematic analysis, while descriptive statistics reveal the influence of sudden reintegration on the socio-emotional well-being of the children. This research has revealed the intricate challenges faced by children who experienced abrupt institutional closure and reintegration, emphasizing the necessity for comprehensive support systems, targeted interventions, and well-informed policies to safeguard the emotional well-being and welfare of vulnerable children and their families. These findings offer valuable insights into the complex dynamics of child institutionalization and reintegration, setting the stage for future research and policy development endeavors aimed at improving the lives of children in need of care and protection, especially in times of crisis.
Masters Thesis
Socio-Emotional, Reintegration, Covid-19, Children Institutions, Machakos County, Kenya
Kimanzi, E. M,. (2023, Thesis). Investigation Of Socio-Emotional Effects Of Sudden Reintegration During Covid-19 Outbreak.A Case Of Selected Children Institutions In Machakos County, Kenya. School of Applied Human Sciences, Daystar University