A Comparative Study On The Effectiveness Of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy And 12-Step Model On Relapse Prevention Among Persons With Substance Use Disorder In Selected Rehabilitation Centers In Kenya


The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness cognitive behaviour therapy (MCBT) with treatment as usual also known as 12-steps program (TAU) on relapse prevention among SUD patients in rehabilitation centers in Kenya. The objectives were to determine levels of hazardous and risky use of substances and relapse risk factors among participants in the rehabs, to establish the risk factors associated with relapse, to compare the participants’ pre-discharge behavioural response to MCBT and TAU during treatment sessions, and the post-discharge relapse prevention capability of MCBT vs TAU among the participants. Quasi-experimental design was adopted targeting 96 accredited rehabilitation centers in the Country and focusing on participants aged between 18 and 40 years. The study used purposive sampling to select 6 rehabilitation centers in Kajiado and Nairobi counties with a total of 120 patients. The centers were grouped into 3 experimental groups (MCBT) and 3 control groups (TAU). Data was collected through questionnaires and assessment tools consisting of Advance Warning of Relapse (AWARE) Questionnaire, the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Socio-Demographic Questionnaire and the Observation Schedule. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and presented using tables. The study established that alcohol and tobacco were the most used substances while age and religion significantly determined alcohol use disorder trends and relapse risks. Relapse predisposition was significant among alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco users. MCBT had better relapse prevention outcomes compared to TAU despite both registering significant SUD treatment outcomes. The study recommends that; rehabilitation programs be tailored along different faiths to be more accommodative. Affordable professionally managed community counselling centers also need to be established across the Country for persons with SUD. For further studies, TAU counsellors need to blend their programs with MCBT strategies.


Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology


Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 12-Step Model On Relapse Prevention, Persons With Substance Use Disorder, Rehabilitation Centers


Anundo, J. A., (2022). A Comparative Study On The Effectiveness Of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy And 12-Step Model On Relapse Prevention Among Persons With Substance Use Disorder In Selected Rehabilitation Centers In Kenya: Daystar University, School of Applied Human Sciences. Thesis