Some Determinants of Students Performance in Biology in KCSE: A Case of Central Division of Machakos District
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International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies.
This article investigates some determinants of student’s performance in Biology in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in schools in Central division of Machakos district. The study was conducted in twelve secondary schools in the division in the categories of national, county and district. Related literature on student’s performance was reviewed from textbooks, thesis, government reports, and journals. A conceptual framework showing the relationship between the variables under investigation was developed. Data was collected from Form four Biology students, Biology teachers, heads of Science department and heads of secondary schools in the division through the use of a questionnaire and interviews. Pilot study in two secondary schools was conducted. The design of the study was descriptive survey and stratified sampling was used to select participants depending on the category of the school. Data analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS program. Data analysis revealed that the students’ attitude towards Biology was generally neutral and this accounts for the dismal performance in the discipline. The research revealed that student’s poor performance in Biology is caused by a number of inter-related factors and calls for more interaction and discussions among students. The study revealed that discussion methods and practical sessions were the major ingredients of good performance in Biology. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should employ more Biology teachers in order to lessen the teaching workloads. The Kenyan government should intensify its efforts to train and retrain Biology teachers through conducting induction courses, seminars and refresher courses on teachers of Biology.
Journal Article
performance in Biology in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), Central division of Machakos district
Gunga, O. S., Ngesu, L. M., Wachira, L., & Kaluku, E. N. (2014). Some Determinants of Students Performance in Biology in KCSE: A Case of Central Division of Machakos District. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies.