Strategic Management Practices and Delivery of Universal Health Coverage Services at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital, Kenya

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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics


Kenyatta National Referral Hospital through her strategic goals aims to be at the forefront in delivering universal health coverage services in Kenya. The hospital provides specialized medical services and serves as a training center. However, Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) has been encountering numerous challenges in fulfilling its primary responsibilities of effective delivery of Universal Health Coverage Service (UHCs). This includes financial limitations, outdated equipment, insufficient specialized staff, and a growing workload. Main aim of this study was to assess the effect of strategic management practices on delivery of universal health coverage services at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital, specified goals were to; establish the role of strategic leadership, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Innovation, human capital management and communication practices on delivery of universal health coverage services at KNH. The study was anchored on the Upper Echelon theory supported by the Resource-Based View theory and the Technology Acceptance Theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The overall population of the study was 6050 employees at KNH while 194 was the target population that constituted management involved in strategy development and implementation. Stratified random sampling was used to stratify respondents into strata comprising of departments (Surgical Services Staff, Medical Services Staff, Diagnostics Services & Health Information Staff, Pharmaceutical Services, Nursing Services, and Quality healthcare Service Staff, Planning and Strategy staff and Finance. Ppurposive sampling was used to select 194 management staff involved in formulation and enforcement of strategies at KNH. Actual respondents were selected via simple random sampling. The research employed questionnaires to gather primary data. The questionnaires underwent pre-testing with 19 respondents at Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital, constituting 10% of the sample size. Reliability tests were performed utilizing Cronbach's alpha, with a minimum threshold of 0.70. Face and concept validity were determined by the evaluation of supervisors and specialists in the field of research. Data analysis was conducted utilizing descriptive statistics, including mean, frequency, and standard deviation. The study employed inferential statistics, namely simple and multiple regressions, to ascertain the link between variables, and utilized the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the strength of this relationship. Data analysis was facilitated with SPSS version 26. Presentation of data was done using tables and graphs. On the basis of the findings, recommendations were made. The findings show that strategic leadership was positively correlated with universal health coverage at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital. It was found that ICT can improve Kenyan healthcare by boosting access, quality, cost-effectiveness, and policy-making. For human capital, maintaining good care standards requires employee incentive. The study recommended that on policy and practice on strategic leadership, KNH should consider reviewing and improving a comprehensive strategic plan that aligns goals with the broader national UHC agenda and should consider developing and integrating telemedicine platforms to provide remote consultations, followups, and specialist services. Further research should be carried out and consideration should be geared towards identifying other additional variables that may have influence on delivery of Universal health coverage services in medical facilities. Similarly, a combination of other referral hospitals should also be given priority in the research to obtain comparative findings from the current research findings obtained at KNH.


Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management


Kenyatta National Referral Hospital, universal health coverage services


Odhiambo, M. A. (2024). Strategic Management Practices and Delivery of Universal Health Coverage Services at Kenyatta National Referral Hospital, Kenya. Daystar University, School of Business and Economics