The Effects of Jigger Infestation on School Enrollment and Retention of Children in Rural Areas: A Case of South East Alego Ward, Siaya County Kenya
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School of Human and Social Sciences, Daystar University
The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between jigger infestation and children’s wellbeing. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of jigger infestation on children enrolment and retention in school, academic performance, and participation in extracurricular activities. The study was conducted in public primary schools in South-East Alego Ward, Siaya County. The study used a cross-sectional descriptive design using both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection(in depth interviews, focus group discussions and questionnairres) and analysis (NVivo version 22, SPSS and Micro soft excel respectively). Study findings showed that jigger infestation was an issue of concern in public primary schools in South-East Alego with 92% of teachers attributing low school enrolment to the jigger infestation. From a total of 1065 school going children who participated in the study, 279 (26%) were infested with jiggers. Majority of participants at 80% agreed that jigger infestation affected school retention, while 96% agreed that it affected academic performance and pupils’ participation in extracurricular activities. Study further found that jigger infestations affected pupils both academically with records of poor performance both physically as well as their psychosocial well-being. The study recommends building of capacity to maintain cleanliness in children’s living and learning environment, provision of adequate training to community members, and provision of medical care to the afflicted.
Effects of, Jigger Infestation, School Enrollment, Retention, Children, Rural Areas, South East Alego Ward, Siaya County
Ochieng, Gordon (2019). The Effects of Jigger Infestation on School Enrollment and Retention of Children in Rural Areas: A Case of South East Alego Ward, Siaya County Kenya. School of Human and Social Sciences, Daystar University: Thesis