Assessing the Determinants of Women Economic Empowerment: A Case Study of Faulu Kenya Micro-Finance, Machakos County, Kenya.

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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)


Women economic empowerment and gender equality are key to poverty reduction, growth and human development. Women’s economic empowerment is the single most important factor in contributing to equality between women and men. The study was aimed at assessing the determinants of women economic empowerment in Machakos County, a Case study of Faulu Kenya microfinance. The specific objectives were to investigate the effect of culture on financial management practices of women; to examine the effect of education on women economic empowerment; to establish how religious values and beliefs affect women economic empowerment and finally to determine how legal framework has affected women economic empowerment. A case study design was used and two sampling methods; stratified and purposive. The study was guided by the Shock Theory of marriage whose premise is that women empowerment is influenced by legal, social and personal changes that occur in women’s lives leading to dependence syndrome. Data collection was done using three methods; Focused Group Discussion, personal interviews and Questionnaires. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. According to key findings of the study, (46%) of women strongly agreed and (39%) agreed that culture affects women economic empowerment. On education, (87%) said education was key to issues of women economic empowerment; 80% said religion was key to issues of women economic empowerment, while (90%) of women said legal framework was important in women economic empowerment. The study concluded that though women empowerment is a very conscious process in today’s development patterns, there is need for stakeholders to factor in the key limitations that affect the process. Women empowerment is not a stand-alone agenda but rather an integrative and a sensitive issue which needs a strategy. This will help achieve the overall goal of women economic empowerment.


Journal Article


Women empowerment, Micro-finance, Determinants, Faulu Kenya


Kithuka E. M. & Otuya P. (2016): Assessing the Determinants of Women Economic Empowerment: A Case Study of Faulu Kenya Micro-Finance, Machakos County, Kenya.:IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS).: Link: DOI: 10.9790/0837-211XXXXX
