Media Coverage of Covid-19 Vaccines in Kenya: A Case of the Standard and the Daily Nation Newspapers
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Daystar University School of Communication
The purpose of this study was to descriptively examine the media coverage of the COVID-19 vaccines in Kenya between January 2021 and December 2021 with a focus on the Standard and the Daily Nation newspapers. Its objectives were to examine the frequency accorded to COVID-19 vaccine stories in Kenya; determine the prominence given to COVID-19 vaccine stories; identify the sources relied upon by the Daily Nation and the Standard newspapers in the coverage and establish how Daily Nation and the Standard newspapers framed the coronavirus vaccines in the news within the period under investigation. Descriptive research design was used, and the population of the study was 500 articles of which 365 were from the Daily Nation newspaper while 135 were from the Standard. 125 articles selected from each newspaper using simple random sampling method. The study concluded that newspapers were crucial in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic especially as an educative tool on the need to get vaccinated. However, COVID-19 vaccine stories were not given enough prominence by the two newspapers, enough frequency was also not accorded to the stories, 13 various frames were used to tell the COVID-19 vaccine story, but expert sources were ignored. From the 10 sources relied upon, the Ministry of Health was used the most. The study recommended that the Standard and Daily Nation newspapers should give more prominence to the COVID-19 vaccine stories, COVID-19 vaccine stories should be frequently published, expert sources should be relied upon more and that COVID-19 vaccine stories should focus more on the consequences of failing to get vaccinated to encourage more people to do so.
in Communication
Media, Covid-19 Vaccines, Standard and the Daily Nation Newspapers
Museo.P.K(2022).Media Coverage of Covid-19 Vaccines in Kenya: A Case of the Standard and the Daily Nation Newspapers:Daystar University School of Communication(Thesis)