Communication for Mangrove Forest Conservation among the Coastal Communities in Kenya
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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Rural communities in coastal areas depend on mangroves as their primary source of income generation, fuel,
medicine and other basic necessities such as timber for housing. The wanton depletion of mangroves is a cause of
serious environmental and economic concern. Wise management of these resource is therefore essential for the
sustainable use and for the cultural and socio-economic welfare of the coastal inhabitants. In this connection,
awareness raising through information to all relevant stakeholders is decisive in order to save the mangrove
forests. The aim of this paper is to analyze the contribution of the different forms of communication in the
dissemination of information. The findings of this study indicate the use of face to face communication through
village meetings and seminars were found to be more effective communication channels as opposed to mass
media tools like radio and TV due to the high levels of interaction and feedback opportunities.
Journal Article
Communication, Conservation, Mangroves, Community resource, TV, Radio
Allan W. Siangu & Daniel Robert Aswani (2015). “Communication for mangrove forest conservation among coastal communities in Kenya,” in International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 5, No. 6 (1) (June 2015) 88-92.