The Lived Experiences of Mothers whose Children have Developmental Delays in Kayole, Nairobi County, Kenya.
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Daystar University, School of Applied Human Sciences
Living in substandard mass housing units can delay development in a child under three years, leading to delays in speech and language, cognitive skills, gross and fine motor delays, physical growth delays, and social-moral development delays. Poor housing conditions, poor sanitation, inadequate nutrition, crowding, and inadequate ventilation are associated with developmental delay. This study has analyzed the lived experiences of mothers with children with developmental delays whose age is less than three years, determined the coping mechanisms used by mothers at Kayole and established types of developmental delay at Kayole division. The study was anchored on the transactional model of stress and based on a phenomenological research design. The study's population consisted of 12 mothers with children with developmental delays at Kayole in Nairobi. Sampling was done through snowball method. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and analyzed through thematic analysis. Results revealed that mothers of children with developmental delay experience cumulative stressors overwhelming the ability to cope. They live on tight routine schedules, therapies, medical treatment, curative intervention and nutrition to promote health and enable adaptation of the children. They face judgment and insensitive comments from outsiders. They cope with challenges and anxiety by proper time management, support seeking, empowerment seeking and providing curative help. The types of developmental delays noted are speech and language delay, cognitive delay, gross and fine motor delays, physical growth delays, and social-moral development delays. Conclusion, the mothers have lost previously enjoyed opportunities and follow up on mothers could be of great help.
in Child Development
Developmental Delays, Children, Lived Experiences, Mothers
Murage, S. N., (2023). The Lived Experiences of Mothers whose Children have Developmental Delays in Kayole, Nairobi County, Kenya: Daystar University, School of Applied Human Sciences