Strategic Partnerships and Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Education Sector in Kajiado County.

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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics


NGOs success or failure largely depends on strategic partnerships adopted when carrying out its projects. Empirical literature has shown that NGOs adopt different strategic partnerships which influence performance with Kenyan studies showing research gaps. Further, Kajiado county being a semi-arid county has experienced an increase in NGOs involvement in education sector but performing poorly in terms of quality service delivery, financial sustainability, fundraising efficiency and outcomes effectiveness. This study aimed to find out the strategic partnerships and performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in the education sector in Kajiado county. The study’s objectives were to explore the types of strategic partnerships practiced by NGOs in education sector in Kajiado County, to identify the indicators of performance of NGOs in education sector in Kajiado county and to establish the effect of strategic partnership on the performance of NGOs in education sector in Kajiado county. The study was mainly focus on strategic partnerships which were looked at through the board variables which were networks, coordination and collaboration. For performance of non-governmental organizations in the education, the quality service delivery, financial sustainability, Fundraising efficiency and outcomes effectiveness. The resource dependency theory and the collaborative governance theory served as the foundation for this investigation. The study used a descriptive research design and target population consisted of 120 employees of NGOs that provide support to the education sector in Kajiado County. The study employed primary data that was obtained through self-administered questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and SPSS 25 was employed for the analysis. The study found out that strategic partnership had an impact on performance of education NGOs in Kajiado county. In addition, strategic partnerships had a significant positive relationship with performance of education NGOs. The study also found that majority of the respondents agreed that there was performance in NGOs as a result of using strategic partnerships. There were significant positive relationships between strategic partnerships and performance of education NGOs. The study concluded that strategic partnerships were being used by education NGOs in Kajiado county. The study also concluded that coordination and collaboration were mostly used as strategic partnerships. Further, the study also concluded that financial resources are put to best use to achieve goals and objectives once under strategic partnerships. The study recommends that Education NGOs should improve on adoption of the strategic partnerships such as networking and sharing of information. Further, it is necessary for education NGOs to come up with constitution that will govern when adopting partnership.




NGOs, Strategic partnerships, Quality service delivery


Kiogora, D. (2024). Strategic Partnerships and Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Education Sector in Kajiado County. Daystar University, School of Business and Economics