Evolution of the Kenyan aviation transport industry from colonization to the present; towards legal compliance with the international standards of aviation law
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Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ)
The President of Kenya recently announced Kenya has signed an International Agreement with the United States of America for direct flights from Kenya to the United States to take place. In order for this agreement to be implemented Kenya has to demonstrate that it has complied with International standards of aviation law and the aviation environment is properly, efficiently regulated to satisfy the United States standards.2On February 2017 the Federal Aviation Authority of the United States of America granted Kenya a Category 1 status.
This paper seeks to trace and lay down the aviation legal framework regulations and steps Kenya has taken to comply with the International legal standards. To determine whether it has complied with the same and is capable of maintaining its Category one status. In order to do I shall look at the various International laws and compare them to the Kenyan legal framework. To determine whether it has complied with the same and is capable of maintaining its Category one status. The study shall entail mostly desk work research
Aviation Transport, Aviation legal framework
Muendo, M. M. Evolution of the Kenyan aviation transport industry from colonization to the present; towards legal compliance with the international standards of aviation law. Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ) Vol 2 Issue 1 (2017)