Strategic Innovation and Organizational Performance of Private Chartered Christian Universities in Kenya: A Case of Daystar University
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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics
Both private and public universities operate in a very dynamic, stiff, unpredictable, and competitive business environment. As a result, institutions should embrace strategic innovation to enhance their growth capacities and capitalize on available opportunities. The study aimed at determining the strategic innovations used by Daystar University to gain a competitive advantage especially in this business environment, which is dynamic, turbulent, and unpredictable where higher learning private institutions need to adapt new strategies to respond to the environmental changes. The Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of strategic innovation on performance of Private Chartered Christian Universities in Kenya. This research had specific objectives which included establishing how technological innovation affect the performance of Christian chartered private universities in Kenya , assessing the effect of marketing innovation on performance of Christian chartered private universities in Kenya and examining the effect of product innovation on performance of Christian chartered private universities in Kenya. The study was guided by three theories namely, Resource Based View Theory, Diffusion of Innovation theory and Dynamic Capabilities Theory. The study employed explanatory research design, a census, and a target population of sixty respondents in the top leadership positions Daystar University. The results obtained from this study will help government parastatals in providing quality services and Daystar University management in reviewing their strategies for better decision making and improved performance. Using a descriptive research design, data was analysed in terms of percentages, mean, standard deviation and tables. Charts and graphs were produced by use of SPSS version 23 for quantitative data analysis to elicit the findings considering the research questions. Based on the inferential statistics the study results showed that strategic innovations have a positive and statistical effect on performance of Daystar University (β1=0.819, p-value=0.000). The coefficient of 0.819 indicates that for every unit increase in strategic innovations, organizational performance is estimated to increase by 0.819 units. The study recommended that, technological innovation, marketing innovation and product innovation have statistically significant effect on performance of organization. The study also suggested that Christian private chartered universities should embrace strategic innovations to promptly address issues and improve service quality emphasizing the need for further research on related topics in Christian private chartered universities for a broader understanding of potential challenges and solutions in the wider context of Christian private chartered universities in Kenya.
Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management
Daystar University, private and public universities
Mbama, L. K. (2024). Strategic Innovation and Organizational Performance of Private Chartered Christian Universities in Kenya: A Case of Daystar University. Daystar University, School of Business and Economics