Factors Associated with Alcohol Use among University Students in a Kenyan University

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African Journal of Clinical Psychology


This study set out to examine factors associated with alcohol and abuse among university students in Kenya. the target population was Daystar University Nairobi and Athi River students. The study used cross-sectional design with respondents recruited from the two campuses. Post-hoc power calculations were conducted using the G*power program to calculate the sample size for the study. A total sample of 140 was obtained using respondent-driven sampling that targeted students using alcohol or cannabis. The respondents were assessed using ASSIST, AUDIT, PHQ-9, BAI, and IES. The data was analysed using inferential statistics that included t-tests, ANOVA, chi square, linear and logistic regressions. The results revealed that most of the respondents had moderate risk for alcohol use problems. In addition, gender, age, year of study and place of residence, parental and peer use, media, and accessibility to drugs were all factors that were found to influence drug use. Similarly, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and academic performance were found to have an association with respondents’ drug use.


Journal Article


Alcohol, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, University Students


Ndegwa, S., Munene, A., & Oladipo, R. (2017). Factors Associated with Alcohol Use among University Students in a Kenyan University. African Journal of Clinical Psychology.
