Influence of Project Management on Disaster Risk Management in Community-Based Organizations Under The Nairobi Risk Hub
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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics
This study sought to investigate the influence of project management on disaster risk management in community-based organizations under the Nairobi risk hub. The objectives of the study were to assess the project management techniques, to establish the disaster risk management components, and to determine the influence of project management on disaster risk management in community-based organizations under the Nairobi risk hub. This study was anchored on the stakeholder theory, theory of change, and public governance theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study was through a census of 142 CBOs under the Nairobi risk hub. Data collection was through questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. This study concluded that CBOs engage in different project management techniques such as participatory planning, stakeholder engagement, resource mobilization, and implementation of projects. Actions by CBOs contribute to different components of disaster risk management. These actions range from search and rescue, training workshops, first aid services and sheltering people in the event of disasters. This study recommends that CBOs should continuously invest in improving their project management techniques and seek collaborations and partnerships to build their disaster risk management capacities, for improved disaster risk management in communities.
in Project Management
project management, disaster risk management, Nairobi risk hub
Mwirigi, L., (2023). Influence of Project Management on Disaster Risk Management in Community-Based Organizations Under The Nairobi Risk Hub. Daystar University, School of Business and Economics