Influence Of Strategic Management Practices On The Performance Of Insurance Companies In Kenya: A Case Of Britam Medical Division
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School of Business and Economics, Daystar University
Strategic management practices entails management performance on continuous appraisal of the business to achieve objectives. During the last five years, the insurance industry has undergone a series of changes through financial reforms, advancement of communication and information technologies. The study analyzed the effect existing between strategic management practices- strategy formulation, implementation, evaluation, and control and performance of medical insurance companies in Kenya. It was guided by the following objectives: to identify the strategic management practices adopted by Britam Insurance Company Medical Division, to determine the factors leading to the performance of Britam insurance company Medical Division, and to establish the relationship between strategic management practices and performance in Britam insurance company Medical Division. It was anchored by resource-based view theory, dynamic capability theory and management by objectives. It adopted descriptive research design. The sample size was 74 and collected data using a questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was tested through both content and construct validity while Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to define reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics was carried out to analyze the data collected from respondents. These findings shed light on the relationship between strategic management practices and organizational performance in Britam Insurance- Medical. The results revealed a rationale of adopting strategic management strategies which will ensure Britam will remain highly competitive in the stiff competition that insurance companies operate in. The study concluded that loss ratio, net profitability and underwritten premium affected the performance of the organization positively. Suggested recommendations include employees should be involvement at every stage of the organizational development, improved communication policy and Government to tighten legislation that curtails fraud.
Masters Thesis
Strategic Management, Insurance Companies, Performance, Britam
Jessica A,. (2023, Thesis). Influence Of Strategic Management Practices On The Performance Of Insurance Companies In Kenya: A Case Of Britam Medical Division. School of Business and Economics, Daystar University