An Introduction to the Legio Maria

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Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology


The Legio Maria movement is the largest African-initiated church to have broken from Catholicism in Africa. It is an offshoot of the Legion of Mary, a Catholic lay or) Organisation from Ireland, established in Kenya in 1936. The moverne11t 's leaders use the name "Maria Legio" rather than the actual name "Legio Maria" A survey in 1969 showed that 10% of the members had formerly been Roman Catholics in good standing, 10% former Protestants, about 40% lapsed, nominal or would-be Catholics, and about 40% were pagans before joining. Ondeto is recognised as the spiritual head, Baba Mtakatifu, the special representative of Jesus Christ, with Pope Atila as second-in-command .... The church combines Luo tradition and culture with conservative Roma n Catholicism including retention of Latin in the mass


Journal Aticle


Legio Maria, African-initiated church, Catholicism, Africa, Kenya, Baba Mtakatifu, Jesus Christ


Scott Moreau & James Kombo (1991). An Introduction to the Legio Maria. Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, 10(1),10-27
