Effect Of Project Communication On Nairobi Expressway Implementation

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School of Communication, Daystar University


ABSTRACT The study set out to assess the effect of project communication on the implementation of the Nairobi Expressway. It focus was on communication strategies, communication modes, communication challenges and the contract between the Kenyan and Chinese government on implementation of the project. The target population was the general public who are users of the project, the 39 project managers and 87 project supervisors who were purposively selected. The sample size included 19 project managers and 44 project supervisors and 385 members of the general public who filled the questionnaires. The study findings showed that communication strategies, modes and challenges all had effects on implementation of the Nairobi Expressway project. The communication strategies including the goals, plans, channels, tools and targeting the specific audience led to better project implementation. Further results established that verbal, non-verbal, visual and written communication modes were used to convey different messages and the contract established the working relationship between the two governments. Some of the challenges of communication including cultural and language differences, information overload and work environment negatively impacted on flow of information and created misunderstanding, mistrust and repetition of tasks. It was thus, concluded that project communication improved project implementation in terms of scope, schedule, budgeting and quality standards that improved customer satisfaction rates with the Nairobi Expressway project. The key recommendation was that use of current communication technologies; communication tactics and communication modalities will boost flow of information and deliver the expected result during the project implementation phase.


Masters Thesis


Project Communication, Nairobi Expressway, Project


Caroline O. S.,(2023, Thesis). Effect Of Project Communication On Nairobi Expressway Implementation. School of Communication, Daystar University