Conceptualizing Professional Journalism Practice: Valence of News Frames and Source Diversity in Kenya

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Daystar University, School of Communication


Journalism scholars argue that professional news journalism is in crisis. To establish the extent of such crisis, context- and culture-based research has been recommended. Some scholars have identified news negativity and source bias among the problems of professional news journalism, aspects that combine to show a disregard for public interest. Employing mixed methods research design, this study sought to gain insight into professional news journalism practice in Kenya from three perspectives: news valence, the diversity of news sourcing channels, and the diversity of news actors. Quantitative data was collected through quantitative content analysis of headlines and stories (n = 1,132) from seven major news-making events in a six-year period (2015-2020) across four Kenyan national newspapers. Qualitative data was generated through in-depth interviews with 25 journalists involved in the coverage of the seven events. The findings showed an overall bias toward negative valence and a strong portrayal of conflict-driven journalism; limited sourcing, characterized by an overwhelming dominance of journalists’ analyses; a heavy reliance on official sources; a journalism practice that leans toward news-for-profit rather than news-for-information through low-cost and easy-to-access strategies; and a systemic bias toward the elites, and against ordinary citizens. This evidence-based position regarding news valence and source diversity in Kenyan mainstream newspapers can facilitate precise responses to the concerns about news negativity and source bias. This can serve the interests of Kenya’s professional news journalists, media managers, institutions of journalism, media scholars, and policymakers within the context of the news media industry. Based on this study’s findings, policies in the news media industry can be updated in view of fostering the interests of 21st century audiences.


Doctor of Philosophy in Communication


Professional Journalism Practice, News Frames, Source Diversity, Kenya


Onyalla, D. B. (2021). Conceptualizing Professional Journalism Practice: Valence of News Frames and Source Diversity in Kenya. Daystar University, School of Communication, Nairobi.