Factors Influencing Employee Motivation In Catholic Church Owned Institutions In Nairobi City County

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Researchjournali’s Journal of Human Resource


Motivation is a critical tool in Human Resource Management as it is about stimulating people to action in order to achieve a desired task. For an organization to be efficient, effective and successful, all stakeholders‟ drives must be stimulated and satisfied to ensure effective work performance. Creating efficient motivation system is the answer to what really attracts and retains potential employees in organizations. There are a number of studies involving factors influencing employee motivation but there is none that zeros in on Catholic Church owned institutions this is the gap that the study sought to fill. The purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing employee motivation in Catholic Church owned institutions with a focus on remuneration, training, work environment and communication, by using employee satisfaction as the measure of the motivation levels of employees. The researcher reviewed the relevant literature on employee motivation guided by motivation theories. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from the organizations‟ employees. A correlational research design was employed in the study examining the relationship between independent variables, intervening variable and the dependent variable. The study established statistically significant relationships between employee motivation and work environment, as well as between motivation and existing communication methods. Specifically availability of tools, space and equipment when taken as a measure of work environment, was found to influence satisfaction, and by extension motivation negatively. The study also found that when employees are well informed on issues in their department and the entire organization, it has a positive influence on their satisfaction and hence motivation. It is clear from the findings across all the four independent variables used that there is still need to involve employees and their employers in discussions on decision making for the respective departments and the organization as a whole. It is therefore recommended that Catholic Church owned institutions in Nairobi City County look for options to ensure this is applied in running their institutions for better employee motivation.



Employee Motivation, Catholic Church Owned Institutions, Nairobi City County


Swala, M.N., & Kyongo, J.K. (2014). Factors influencing employee motivation in Catholic Church owned institutions in Nairobi City County. Researchjournali’s Journal of Human Resources, 3(4).
