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Item Call me Marah : A biblical exposition on the Book of Ruth(Daystar University Publication, 2000) Oginde,David A.; Boyo, BernardItem Integrating Faith and Learning : Reflections on Christian Higher Education in Africa(Daystar University, 2015) Boyo, BernardItem Theology and Politics: The Role of the Church(Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009) Boyo, BernardThe Church must engage in a theological analysis of human realities and make explicit biblical judgments about issues of justice, democracy and governance; property and land ownership; poverty, unemployment and crime; drought and famine that continue to threaten the society.It must develop a theology that addresses these issues with a view to bringing about human transformation in all dimensions of life. The church’s theology is a significant component in bringing transformation since it addresses issues of forgiveness, reconciliation and conversion. The church must bridge the gap between the rich and poor in both economic as well as social balance creating a balance in responsibility and social cohesion that gives a different perspective of the world as was intended from the very beginning. Involvement in socio-political issues is a clear demonstration of the church’s faith and obedience in following the example of Christ who was involved in the socio- political issues of his contemporaries. A theology that takes seriously the teaching of Christ will be serious in taking the socio-political problems of the people seriously.Item Inculturating The Eucharist in Africa: A Case Study of The Ethiopian Tewahido Orthodox Church, Nairobi(LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011) Musya, Justus KatooThe case for inculturating the gospel rests on convincing grounds. Can African Christians, for example, claim to own a faith that has been largely defined in the context of a cultural history that is Euro-centric? There is need to anchor Christianity in traditional African culture. Studies that demonstrate how inculturation has been applied effectively, for instance, in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church (EOTC) are thus needed. The goal of this publication, therefore, is to generate empirical data on Eucharistic inculturation in the EOTC in Nairobi. In turn, this knowledge will provide lessons for inculturation in the rest of Africa and beyond. It is a necessary book for college students, Universities and Seminaries.Item Makunga Secondary School Strategic Plan 2021-2025(Zamusi Consultancy, 2021) Sitati, Emmily MugasiaMakunga Secondary School strategic plan was done through participatory methodology which involved consultations with key stakeholders (Both internal and external stakeholders). All areas of the strategic plan were discussed with an aim of establishing the gaps in all areas of the school and mapping ways of tackling and filling the gaps. Environmental scanning was done which involved both SWOT and PESTEL analyses. In addition, a review of the needs and expectations of the stakeholders was done and the school's performance in the past five years. The process began with the review of relevant administrative policy documents and available records to determine if there were any new issues to be incorporated in the reviewed strategic plan. The key strategic issues were identified and for each, a strategic objective was formulated and priority areas identified, activities for each priority area outlined and necessary human, financial, technological and physical resources put in place to help in realization of the school vision and mission in the next five years. This 5 year strategic plan will be a road map to the school's future development in all its areas of operation and it's hoped that it shall form the schools agenda for the next five years. Although trends in academic performance of the school fluctuates and the best results are yet to be realized, stakeholders are convinced that the school has a potential to improve. This strategic plan is thus expected to provide strategic direction for the school and help in realization of better academic achievements. All the stakeholders were involved in the development process. The strategic plan consists of six chapters. Chapter one entails historical profile and other preliminaries. Chapter two looks at the fundamental statements, the schools' profile, challenge, solutions and the success story. Chapter three discuses education policy framework vision 2030, National Goals of Education. Chapter four give the situational analysis consisting SWOT, stakeholders and PESTLE analysis, Chapter five presents Key strategic themes, strategic issues and strategies. Chapter six is the plans monitoring and evaluate process. The last part has appendices which includes the implementation matrix, the schools management structure and the strategic plan steering committee.Item Kapsabet Boys High School Strategic Plan 2022-2026(Zamusi Consultancy, 2022) Sitati, Emmily MugasiaStrategic planning is required to frame effective learning techniques and increase students' engagement as well as improve the establishment's success. Kapsabet boys high school strategic plan was done through participatory methodology which involved consultations with key stakeholders (Both internal and external stakeholders). All sections of the strategic plan were discussed with an aim of ensuring that the plan focuses on the priority areas of the school. Environmental scanning was done which involved both SWOT and PESTEL analyses. In addition, stakeholders' analysis was done to establish the links and relationship between the school and its stakeholders. The process began with the review of relevant administrative policy documents and available records to determine if there were any new issues to be incorporated in the strategic plan. Key strategic issues were identified and for each, a strategic objective was formulated and priority areas identified, activities for each priority area outlined and necessary human, financial, technological and physical resources put in place to help in realization of the school vision and mission in the next five years. This 5-year strategic plan will be a road map to the school's future development in all its priority areas of operation. It is hoped that it shall form the school's agenda for the next five years. Although trends in academic performance of the school have been on the upward trend and that best results were realized in 2020 enabling the school to realize its vision of becoming KENYA ONE, stakeholders came up with new strategies to ensure that status quo remain. This strategic plan is thus expected to provide strategic direction for the school and help in maintaining her position in the country ranking as well as defending her position on an international platform. It is hoped that all stakeholders will support the implementation of this strategic plan by providing an enabling environment and resources needed for it to prosper.Item St. Brigid Baraka Oontoyie 2024-2028 Strategic Plan(Zamusi Consultancy, 2024) Sitati, Emmily MugasiaItem Bishop Gassis Relief & Rescue Foundation (BGRRF) Strategic Plan 2024-2028(Zamusi Consultant, 2024) Sitati, Emmily MugasiaWe are excited to present our strategy for the next five years (2024- 2028). In this strategic plan we have envisaged where we need to go and how we shall get there. We have charted a clear plan and priorities. The challenge is how we are going to walk in the shoes of our beloved Bishop Macram, the founder of BGRRF who went to be with the Lord in June 2023. We need to prove to the people we serve, our donors, friends and stakeholders that we are truthful and committed to his legacy.Item Catholic Diocece Ngong Township Secondary School Strategic Plan 2023-2027(Zamusi Consultant, 2023) Sitati, Emmily MugasiaNgong Township Secondary School strategic plan was done through participatory methodology which involved consultations with key stakeholders (Both internal and external stakeholders). All areas of the strategic plan were discussed with an aim of establishing the gaps in all areas of the school and mapping ways of tackling and filling the gaps. Environmental scanning was done which involved both SWOT and PESTEL analyses. In addition, a review of the needs and expectations of the stakeholders was done and the school's performance in the past five years. The process began with the review of relevant administrative policy documents and available records to determine if there were any new issues to be incorporated in the reviewed strategic plan.Item Redeeming Christian Family and Marriage in Kenya.(Daystar University, 2020) Syengo, Steven Nduto; Oladipo, RebeccaItem Educational Research Methods: A Functional Approach(Kenya Literature Bureau, 2024) Ayiro, Laban PeterItem Online Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Africa(Lexington Books, 2023) Munyao, Martin; Agyapong, Samuel; Law, George John; Ayiro, Laban Peter ; Jensen, Trine; Kiptinness, Evonne Mwangale; Ayoo, Philip; Kogo, Vincent; Kuria, Mike; Marinoni, Giorgio; Mbatha, Winnie; Mburu, Agnes N.; Mburu, Fridah; Mudegu, John; Mutua, JusticeOnline Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Africa , edited by Martin Munyao, argues that beyond survival, universities need to adapt to technology-mediated communication learning in order to thrive. Disruptive technologies have recently proved to be means of thriving for institutions of higher learning. This book reflects on how leveraging on education technology has transformed teaching, learning, and research Higher Education Institutions (HEI) impacting Africa through digital transformation. In particular, HEIs are collaborating more now than ever before. Finally, this book addresses the challenges of teaching STEM programs online in Africa.Item The Nature and Design of Mixed Methods Research(Daystar University, Nairobi, 2021) Ayiro, Laban PeterBecause all methods of data collection have limitations, the use of multiple methods can neutralize or cancel out some of the disadvantages of certain methods. As well, the strengths of each approach can complement each other and because social phenomena are so complex, different kinds of methods are needed to best understand these complexities. Mixed methods are particularly appropriate for collaborative and applied research since it enables the researcher to answer confirmatory and exploratory questions at the same time, and as a result, the researcher can construct and confirm theory in the same study. Furthermore, it can provide explanations for seemingly contradictory results that emerge from using different methods.Item Art of institutional leadership: Unleashing the potential of emotional intelligence(East African Educational Publishers, 2022) Ayiro, Laban PeterIn The Art of Institutional Leadership: Unleashing the Potential of Emotional Intelligence, Prof. Laban P. Ayiro articulates his leadership and management style from a personal perspective. If you are in a leadership position or you want to improve your general life experience, this book is for you. It addresses many people's concerns and interests. You will learn lessons on leadership from Prof. Ayiro's rich career as an educationist, spanning over 35 yearsItem Leadership and Management in Educational Institutions: Articles, Guides and Instruments for Improving Organizational Performance(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010) Ayiro, Laban Peter; Sang, James K.Leadership and management of educational institutions in Kenya presents many challenges leading to low performance levels. This manual offers innovative approaches to improving the leadership and management of these institutions. It has templates for target setting as well as established theory in the areas of team building, emotional intelligence, leadership and results based management. The additional inspirational speeches are intended to act as motivational devices for those using this manual for institutional improvement.This manual is also intended for use as a tool for training administators of educational institutions in aspects of Leadership and organizational management. It will also serve as a useful reference material for managers across the board.Item A Functional Approach to Educational Research Methods and Statistics: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches(Edwin Mellen Press., 2012) Ayiro, Laban PeterThe book's most immediate value resides in helping the reader understand the research process. An engaging and informative text on educational research and statistics. This book teaches students how to utilize the outcomes of their research. It examines how studies are conducted across the major traditions of educational research (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods). The text is for graduate students who want to pursue statistics. The book fulfills a need for a systematic account of research concepts and the use of statistics for advanced students. The fact is that research involves interrelated activities. Educators practice research following a general sequence of procedures. This book is demarcated into sections that reflect each step in the process of doing a study.Item Ethnicity & Political Violence A Kenyan Perspective with Reference to Mathare and Kibra Informal Settlements(The Kairos Book Publishers, 2023) Musya, Justus KatooBesides addressing the original and the deleterious effects of negative ethnicity on Mathare and Kibra Informal Settlements, within the city of Nairobi, this book also theorizes on the broader philosophy behind ethnic tensions, and to an extent, xenophobic behaviours troubling the post-colonial Africa. In particular, the role of inequalities in causing ethnic grievances, its role in fuelling ethnic mobilization, its global perspective, its regional dimension, its national dimension, and its local perspectives have all been surveyed so as to guide us in addressing divisive citizenry. By the time we are done with reading these dimensions of ethnic perspectives, we are driven to start thinking deeper. And indeed, we are enabled to think critically and creatively and brought to the understanding of the problem: namely, the negative ethnicity (derogatorily called tribalism) and we are simultaneously driven to start working towards solutions and/or problem-solving. Put differently: why shouldn‟t ethnic diversity help us appreciate our great favours from God, as plurality is God‟s economy for the world? Why should Africans utilise ethnic cards to mobilize electoral politics? Why should we vote in a person simply because he or she is from our local ethnic group? Does it matter who messes up or builds the country; aren‟t they the same practical terms? In the worst case scenario, we are driven to ask: Why use ethnic mobilisation to instigate political violence that will eventually lead to displacements, as in the case of post December 2007 disputed elections where over 400, 000 were displaced from their farms; and Kenya became a home of internally displaced persons (IDPs)? Besides the above, this book theorizes the philosophy revolving around ethnic conflicts. How can these theories help in vi understanding ethnic conflicts? The author has ably strived to make sense out of this. In a nutshell, negative ethnicity is caused by lack of vision among the leaders and/or elites of society. In some cases, historical injustices, rooted in colonial hegemony, have had their share of promoting ethnic divisions and conflicts. Take for instance, the amalgamation of Nigeria of 1914, for instance. Yes, it created the North and South, can we view it as a marriage of inconvenience, particularly when we recall the terrorist activities in the north? Certainly, the amalgamation of North and South Sudan since 1956 left a scar within the rank-and-file of Southerners, the black Africans, who felt that the Arabs in northern part were enslaving them. This resulted in endless wars between the Arabs and the black Africans. In 1983, the Sudanese People‟s Liberation Army (SPLA) was formed so as to battle the then Arab-dominated government of the northern Sudan. This was followed by the formation of the Sudan People‟s Liberation Movement (SPLM), as the political wing of SPLA. The formation of SPLM on 16th May 1983 came after the Arab-dominated Sudan‟s government reneged on the so-called Addis Ababa Agreement of 1972. This agreement was previously signed by the then Sudanese President Gaafar Nimeiry (1930-2009), who reigned from 1969 to 1985, and the then rebel movement, Anyanya leader, Joseph Lagu, on 27th February 1972. It is in this Addis Ababa Agreement where the Southern Sudanese were to be given economic, social, political, religious, and educational rights. The signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement of 1972 had thus brought down the long ranging conflict. Prior to this, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan had ceased after independence in 1956, as it now became Sudan. This came after both the Egyptian and the British governments recognised Sudan as an independent country; and eventually terminated vii their respective shares of sovereignty over it. Reneging on the 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement of recognising the Southern Sudanese religiosity by Field Marshal Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiry (1930-2009), who served as President from 25 May 1969 to 6 April 1985, and his decision to begin Islamist rule, speaks for the nature of African conflicts: a phenomenon where we „suspend‟ our governing „constitutions‟ from family to national levels without any iota of shame. Ripples are that we become our own enemies who fuels conflicts that can be ethnic, racial, social, political or xenophobic based. Thus the Sudanese case, of reneging on a memorandum of understanding, ushered in a conflict between the practitioners of Islam religion (northerners) and the Christians and traditionalist of South Sudan, a contestation that did not die till 2011 when South Sudan became an independent country under the SPLA/SPLM in 2011. Back to negative ethnicity, we appreciate that conflicts are also caused by religious intolerance, as the Sudanese case has demonstrated. Religious intolerance is manifested by blind religiosity or blind denominationalism that doesn‟t see anything good in others. Equally, blind ethnic loyalty doesn‟t see anything good in other ethnic groups existing in the same country. It is a psychological disorder that needs to be diagnosed through public education. As a social construct, it can be deconstructed through re-educating, de-education, and be eventually reconstructed for the betterment of society. A society that fails to educate people on the dangers of negative ethnicity or racial-national prejudices faces extinction from the map of the world. The height of madness in any nation reaches its climax when a notoriously religious continent and her countries allow religion to become the opium of, and for the people, thereby eulogizing religio-denominational intolerance and dehumanisations. When politicians use religion to confuse viii the vulnerable poor-weak-and-hungry citizenry, as they strive to promote the Big Man‟s Syndrome and/or Messianic political leaderships, the true rapture gets closer and closer. It could as well mark the proverbial “last days.” Are we under borrowed time? In Uganda, the contestations between the Anglicans who were mainly members of Milton Obote‟s (1925-2005) Uganda People‟s Congress versus the Democratic Party under Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere (1932-2022), whose supporters were mainly Catholics, polarised Uganda for a long time; and has remained a wound that takes long to heal. When a religiousinclined society views some politicians as Mosaic-Messiah‟s, while their contestants are effectively portrayed as Devilincarnates, it becomes a preparatory route for ending the life of a nation. Besides this, all forms of marginalization, resource control, and lack of vision among the emerging leaderships in Africa, must be re-evaluated from time to time so as to ensure that ethnic plurality does not become a curse. Rather, our rich cultural diversity has to remain our strength rather than as our weakness; and indeed, it has to remain the source of health and wealth of a nation. Having said this, I wish to recommend Justus K. Musya‟s book: “Ethnicity & Political Violence: A Kenyan Perspective with Reference to Mathare and Kibra Informal Settlements.” It brings back the theme of Ethnicity that ought to be addressed from time to time. With negative ethnicity, ethnic balkanisation, banditry, refugee crisis, religious intolerance, narcotics, dangerous liquor, terrorism, economic mismanagement, suspicious and mysterious pandemics, and bad politics, threatening the very existence of the African populace in the twenty-first century, a sharp-shooter, of Musya‟s level, is needed to outfox the enemy; and eventually call the society back to its conscience. We thus need the likes of Musya to come and say: “Look here! We are staring at danger; hence stop mishandling ix ethnic cards. Use it to enrich the society rather than impoverish the very society that God so much loved.” The book is recommendable to scholars of all nations under the sun! Referring to the Africanist scholars in particular, the aspiring scholars, and readers and leaders of all walks of life. This is your book, and indeed it is a little encyclopaedia on how to handle the ethnic cardItem The Church and Politics: A Theological Reflection(Hippobooks, 2021) Boyo, Bernard; Ayiro, Laban PeterThe Church and Politics offers an introduction to African political theology that is thorough, practical, and deeply powerful. From traditional power structures to the political ramifications of colonialism, Dr. Bernard Boyo provides a foundation for understanding Africa's contemporary political concerns in their cultural and historical context. Alongside this overview of African political history, Boyo traces the impact of Western missionaries, evangelicals, liberation theology, and African theologians on the church's understanding of itself and its role within society. This book critiques the emphasis on individual salvation that has so often led the church into abdicating its societal responsibilities and provides an exegetical analysis that firmly roots political engagement within a scriptural framework. The church, we are reminded, has a mandate to bring justice and righteousness into every aspect of human experience. As we follow Christ, it is not just our personal lives that should be transformed but our communities and even our nations.Item Measuring Learning Outcomes in Kenya: Context and Perspectives(Emerald, 2016-01-06) Ayiro, Laban PeterThe education system in Kenya is continually challenged to adapt and improve, in part because its mission has become far more ambitious than it once was due to the massive investment in education by successive governments over the last two decades. Today, most Kenyans expect schools to prepare all students to succeed in postsecondary education and to prosper in a complex, fast-changing global economy. To identify the most important measures for education and other issues and provide quality data on them to the country, there is a need for the ministry of education to establish a National Education Indicators framework. This criterion is hoped to enable policy makers and the public better assess the position and progress of the country across the education sector. The key task in developing education indicators will be to identify a clear and parsimonious set of measures and data that will be easy for non-specialists to understand but which will also do justice to the complexities of the ailing education system. These indicators will amplify the existing situation and will be drawn from a large, and sometimes conflicting, body of information about students, teachers and schools. The purpose of this study is to propose and urge the government to develop a national framework of indicators that will inform stakeholders on the performance of the education system, both at school and national level.