The effectiveness of telecenters in rural development: a case of Sega Silicon Valley telecenter in Kenya
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Daystar University
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are seen as important resources
in enabling millions of people in rural areas participate in their development while bridging
the global digital divide (Rogers & Shukla, 2001). Since most of these people in the rural
areas are unlikely ever to own their own computers, access to ICTs is increasingly being
enabled through community telecenters which are viewed as community resources that offer access to information and other services that community members need to make informed decisions to improve their livelihoods. The telecenter model is increasingly being
championed in the developing countries by governments, donor agencies and NGOs who see
their potential in generating rural development while affording marginalized communities the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the information revolution (Parkinson, 2005). But
relatively little is known about how rural communities benefit from telecenter projects and
whether information accessed through telecenters impact on their lives and livelihoods. The Government, donors, NGOs and private sector actors are investing in community telecenters while basic needs such as food, health, clean water, and education still remain a big challenge in the rural areas. The study was modelled on the following objectives; one, it seeks to find out the type and relevance of information being accessed by users from Sega Silicon Valley Telecenter. The study also set to find out whether information obtained from the Telecenter lead to changes in decision making, to improve people’s welfare as well as investigate the flow of information from telecenters to community networks. Finally, the study looked at the prospects of telecenters in rural development and made appropriate recommendations for telecenter development in Kenya. The study was based on a field work carried out in Sega Silicon Valley Telecenter through evaluative and descriptive research designs and used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Telecenters, Rural development, Sega Silicon Valley Telecenter, Kenya
The effectiveness of telecenters in rural development: A case of Sega Silicon Valley telecenter in Kenya By Beatrice Awuor Ouma, Daystar Univeristy, 2013