The Performance of Trained Clinical Officers in Reproductive Health Service Delivery through Task Shifting In Kenya Opportunities and Challenges
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Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing
Purpose:The purpose of this study was to determine the performance, challenges and the
opprtunities in task shifting for the cadre.
Methods:This was a cross-sectional study design. Purposive snowballing technique was
employed. One hudred and fifty Clinical Officers were targed for study. A sample of 45 was
captured for study calculated as 30% of the target population. Structured questionnaires were
administered and triangulated by focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Cross
tabulation and chi-square tests were used to compare performance in various reproductive health
procedures. Analysis of Variance was employed to test for significance in differences on various
responses. Data from focus group discussion was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis.
Analysis of the Quantitative data collected was done using SPSS (Version 22). Data collected
was analysed using tables, graphs and descriptive statistics
Results:The study found out that motivation builds a better, more satisfied and better performing
workforce as evidenced by response of further training There was significant statistical evidence
of competence in performing task shifted obstetrical and gyneacological procedures at p-value
0.05, computed chi-square value of 7.134 against the critical value of 9.488. Analysis of
Variance with a computed value of 95.7, p-value 0.05 and critical Value of 2.45 indicated that
responses from respondence differed significantly while response for anew act of parliament for
the practice of new skills was 100%.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommeded for the
development of task shifting policy framework the, strengthening of health systems workforce
through task shifting for the cadre and sensitization of workforce at health facilities on the
concept of task shifting.
Journal Article
Clinical Officers, Reproductive health service, Performance
Kishasha, K. M., Oluoch, M. & Njuguna, S. (2018). The Performance of Trained Clinical Officers in Reproductive Health Service Delivery through Task Shifting In Kenya Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing. Vol.3, Issue 2, pp 27 - 36.