Factors Affecting Gender Parity in Kenya’s Political Milieu: A Case of Nakuru

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Daystar University, School of Communication


The woman representative political seat and affirmative action which is the two-thirds gender rule are the biggest policies that have been adopted from Kenya’s 2010 referendum and constitutional reform channeled towards a more inclusive political environment. These have however been met with challenges that have made it difficult to fully accomplish gender equality and equity in political participation. While there is a significant and visible impact of the same, with the numbers constantly rising in each election the country has had since 2010, the state is yet to fully implement the two-thirds gender rule both in parliament and in the devolution governments within the counties. This research studied Nakuru county which is one of the counties that elected a significant number of women into its county government and more importantly gave the top seats to women as well. The aim was to understand how the citizens made this decision and gave women a chance to lead them in a society that has been so adamant about the role women should play in politics. The paper was guided by three main objectives, to assess the social and political factors pertaining to gender that influenced the decision-making process during elections in Nakuru county, examine the efforts that have been made towards achieving gender equity in Kenya’s political environment, and evaluate the progress that has been made so far in terms of gender and politics in Nakuru county. The study shed light on the existence and development of the issue through the background of the study and then proceeded to look at the topic and issue through the lens of various scholars in the field. The researcher has used the realism and feminism theories as a foundational basis to explain the current political atmosphere in Kenya and anticipate the future. Further ahead, the researcher has discussed the research methodology that will guide the process. The study was intended to be both qualitative and quantitative and employ data collection tools including personal interviews and the use of questionnaires to collect data for analysis and thereafter recommendations and a plausible conclusion. The researcher aimed toward uncovering a gap in the study and providing reasonable and attainable recommendations towards bridging the said gap. From the study, the researcher concluded that gender continues to be a challenge in the political field especially concerning competence. The main recommendation provided by the researcher includes a decentralized political system that is built on competence and merit instead of trivial aspects such as gender and political party affiliations.


MASTER OF ARTS in Diplomacy, Development, and International Security


Gender Parity, Kenya’s Political Milieu, Nakuru


Amambia, N., (2023). Factors Affecting Gender Parity in Kenya’s Political Milieu: A Case of Nakuru: Daystar University, School of Communication