Assessing The Role Of The Print Media Coverage Of Covid-19 Pandemic In Kenya: A Study Of The Daily Nation And The Standard Newspapers

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School of Communication, Daystar University


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess and understand the media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic between March 11, 2020 and July 6, 2020 with a focus on The Standard and The Daily Nation newspapers. The objectives were to assess and understand how the COVID-19 news items were framed by The Daily Nation and The Standard Newspapers, to establish the prominence accorded to the published COVID-19 news items, to examine the frequency with which the two covered COVID-19 news items during the period of study and to find out what factors informed how The Daily Nation and The Standard journalists/reporters reported COVID-19 news items. Descriptive research design was used and the population of the study was 610 articles of which 325 articles were from The Daily Nation newspaper while 285 were from The Standard. 100 articles were selected from each newspaper using simple random sampling method. COVID-19 news items were not given enough placements on the front pages and the back pages by the two newspapers. The study concluded that The Daily Nation and The Standard newspapers should have given enough placements on the front pages and the back pages of the COVID-19 news items. The study also concluded that the media highlighted and helped to control COVID-19 significantly through the power of agenda-setting and framing theories. The study recommended that The Standard and The Daily Nation newspapers should exercise consistency in their coverage of health news by frequently publishing the news stories to maintain visibility and make people adapt to behavior change. It was also recommended that the two newspapers should give more prominence through enough placements on the front and back pages on any future pandemics news items.


Masters Thesis


Media Coverage, Covid-19, Daily Nation, Standard Newspapers


Betty A. O,. (2023, Thesis). Assessing The Role Of The Print Media Coverage Of Covid-19 Pandemic In Kenya: A Study Of The Daily Nation And The Standard Newspapers. School of Communication, Daystar University