Age Comparisons in the Prevalence and Severity of Anxiety Disorders Among Children and Adolescents from Nairobi, Kenya


The purpose of the study was to compare age differences in the prevalence and severity of anxiety disorders among 163 children and adolescents (8-16 years) drawn from Kabiria and Kawangware primary schools, in Dagoretti Constituency, Nairobi County Kenya. Data on prevalence and severity of anxiety disorders was collected using the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED)-Child version. Quantitative data analysis using the statistical package for social sciences version 20 revealed presence of anxiety disorders (M ≥ 25) for most respondents (M8-16 years= 33.67, 79.1%). The severity and prevalence of anxiety disorders per age group were M 8-10 years=37.36, 83.3%; M 11-13 years=35.80, 87.7% and M 14-16 years = 30.58, 72.5%. The analysis of variance revealed statistically significant age differences in severity of the ADs between the 8-10 and 14-16 year old (p=0.005) and the 11-13 and 14-16 year old (p=0.024) but not the 8-10 and 11-13 year old (p=0.570). Among the 8-10 year old, separation anxiety (83.3%) and panic disorder (81%) were the most prevalent pointing to high comorbidity rates that start early. Social anxiety (M=8.28) and generalized anxiety (M=7.68) were more severe for the 11-13 year old. Overall, the results indicated early age of onset of ADs with severity moderated by increased age, but also a waxing and waning course across the lifespan. Findings thus highlighted the importance of early intervention to curb chronicity


Journal Article


Age differences, Anxiety disorders, Children, Adolescents, Assessment


Muchiri J. W., Bowen M., & James N. (2021): Age Comparisons in the Prevalence and Severity of Anxiety Disorders Among Children and Adolescents from Nairobi, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology
