Organizational Factors Affecting Strategy Implementation In The Hotel Industry In Nairobi County, Kenya: A Case Of Artcaffe Coffee And Bakery Limited
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School of Business and Economics, Daystar University
Effective strategy implementation has widely been acknowledged as an enabler towards superior performance in many organizations across the world. Thus, the study sought to assess organizational factors affecting strategy implementation in the hotel industry in Nairobi County, Kenya with a case of Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery Limited. The study objectives were; to evaluate organizational factors affecting strategy implementation at Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery Limited, to assess the extent to which Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery Limited has implemented their strategies and to determine how organizational factors affected strategy implementation at Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery Limited. The study was informed by Institutional Theory, Strategic Balance Theory and Resource Based View Theory. The study adopted descriptive research design and used structured questionnaires for data collection. The study target population comprised of 1,033 employees with a sample size of 288 respondents obtained using Taro Yamane formula and data analyzed using SPSS version 27. Data analysis and results were presented in tables and charts. The study achieved a response rate of seventy-one percent (205 respondents). The study findings showed that all the determinant variables being; corporate culture, personnel skills, technological advancement, and business strategy had a positive correlation. The study recommended that there is need for Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery Limited to enhance their process of involving the outside stakeholders who may have neutral views that will add value to their formulated strategic plans and enhance strategy implementation.
Masters Thesis
Hotel Industry, Nairobi County, Kenya, Artcaffe Coffee And Bakery Limited
Kimanyo, A.W,. (2023, Thesis). Organizational Factors Affecting Strategy Implementation In The Hotel Industry In Nairobi County, Kenya: A Case Of Artcaffe Coffee And Bakery Limited. School of Business and Economics, Daystar University