Effects of Work Life Balance on Staff Performance in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya
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Archives of Business Research
Work life balance practices have positive impact on employee performance in
an organisation in as much as work life imbalance has also been proved to have
side effects of well being of employees. This study looked at the effect of work
life balance on staff performance in the telecommunication sector in Kenya. It
used role theory and spill over theory to support the research. Descriptive
research design was adopted in order to provide a framework to examine
current conditions, trends and status of events regarding work life balance. The
target population of the study was 390 senior staff working at Safaricom, Airtel,
Telkom Kenya’s Orange and Essar Kenya’s Yu Headquarters in Nairobi. The
study focused on the three levels of management who are directly dealing with
the day to day management of the companies. Stratified random sampling
technique was used since population of interest is not homogeneous and could
be subdivided into groups or strata to obtain a representative sample.
Structured* questionnaires* were used as method of data collection. Data
analysis was done using both qualitative and quantitative methods. From the
findings, it was evident that work life balance factors such as long working
hours, overtime, lack of vacation, family responsibilities and family work
conflict all negatively affects staff performance at work. The study
recommended among others that companies* in the telecommunication sector
in Kenya need to review overtime working policy; introduce rotational work;
adopt use of delegation and support employees through counseling and
resources* to*meet* family* expectations and responsibilities. Finally, this study
suggests that future studies explore other work life balance factors that could
affect staff performance.
Keino,D.C., & Kithae,P.P. (2016). Effects of Work Life Balance on Staff Performance in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya. Archives of Business Research, 4(1), pp. 129-138.