ICT Enabled Peace Network: Case Study of Conflict Early Warning System in Kenya

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Hal Open Science


Building peace in post-conflict societies is a contemporary and urgent humanitarian challenge facing the world. ICTs can potentially play a role in this process, but how and why this can be done has not attracted adequate research attention, especially in the ICT4D domain which should naturally be at the forefront of such efforts. Drawing upon Castells’ notion of counter-networks, this paper based on an empirical analysis of peace-building efforts in North-West Kenya, examines the role of ICTs in enabling effectively information flows to strengthen the efforts in building a “peace network.” Important lessons are discerned on how such counter networks can be cultivated, and some reflections are presented on how these lessons may or not be applied to other conflict-ridden areas.


Conference Paper


Peace, Post-conflict, Early Warning, Kenya


Arunima Mukherjee, Festus Mukoya. ICT Enabled Peace Network: Case Study of Conflict Early Warning System in Kenya. 15th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (ICT4D), May 2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. pp.127-139, ￿10.1007/978-3-030- 18400-1_11￿. ￿hal-02285250￿