Effect Of E-Government Adoption on Performance of Ministries: A Case of The Ministry of Information Communication Technology
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Daystar University, School of Business and Economics
Over the past years, government officers have had challenges in delivering services to citizen following difficulties in retrieving and sharing manual files. This has been witnessed in all government ministries in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of e-government adoption on performance the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology. To achieve this purpose, the study was guided by four objectives namely, to find out how information management affected performance of ministries, to establish how information sharing affected performance, to find out how storage and retrieval of data affected performance and to find out the challenges faced. This study adopted descriptive research design. The target population in this study comprised all 120 staff working at the Head Office of the Ministry of Information Communications Technology. Questionnaires were used to collect data and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used to analyse the data collected. Data was presented using tables and figures. The study concluded that information management had increased the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery to the public, storage and retrieval of data provides room for more accountability as it ensures a transparent workflow. Challenges identified were, lack of skills, among the staff member who also felt they should have been involved in the development of the user system. The study recommends that the ministry needs to fully embrace online platforms for citizens to make applications, enquiries and follow-ups so as to reduce the amount and need for paper work which is cumbersome and time consuming. It further recommends that the ministry upgrades its systems to be able to allow for mass storage of data with strong backup systems for retrieval.
Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management
E-Government Adoption, Ministry of Information Communication Technology
Ambutu, M. M. (2018). Effect Of E-Government Adoption on Performance of Ministries: A Case of The Ministry of Information Communication Technology : Daystar University, School of Business and Economics, Nairobi.