Miruka, John Moseti2020-10-212020-10-212016-06Miruka, J. M., (2016). Socio-Economic Factors Influencinga Low Enrollment for Pastoral Training at Neema Lutheran College - Matongo. Daystar University, School of Arts and Humanities. Nairobihttps://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3316Master of TheologyThe study sought to examine the socio-economic factors influencing enrolment. Upon analysing and interpreting data, the research outcomes were as follows: Organization’s politics and academic programme’s structure were perceived to indirectly influence enrolment for the pastoral programme at Neema Lutheran College. Respondents who had gone through the system thought that it was essential for the college to seriously rework its curriculum. They suggested that the college introduce more relevant courses that would meet the needs of society. Regarding socio economic factors that influenced enrolment, respondents generally indicated that all the listed factors influenced low enrolment for pastoral programme at Neema Lutheran College. Respondents were of the opinion that the church put up income generating projects to help supplement locally collected funds. These would assist enrolled students to pay school fees. Encouraging local Christians to fundraise towards this noble programme is of the essence. Respondents also indicated that there was need to teach youth and society on the importance of pastoral work. They also indicated that the church needed to organize and remunerate its workers well. The respondents also suggested that the college in liaison with the church send application forms and advertisements early enough to reach church members before admissions into the programme commences.enPastoral TrainingNeema Lutheran College - MatongoOrganization’s politicsSocio-economic Factors Influencing a Low Enrollment for Pastoral Training at Neema Lutheran College - MatongoThesis