Sitati, Emily M.Kennedy, BotaNdirangu, Mwangi2023-06-272023-06-272015Sitati, Emily M. Kennedy, Bota Ndirangu, Mwangi. (2015). Financing Mechanisms in Early Childhood Education in Kenya: A case of Kakamega County. Journal of Education Research and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 3(8), pp. 273-286, October 2014.2315-8735 DescriptionThe study investigated the financing mechanisms in ECE centres in Kakamega County using descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling was used to select 3 sub- counties giving 30 % of the population. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select 30% of the ECE centres. Head teachers and one ECE teacher from each ECE participated in the study. However where more than one teacher was found in an ECE centre, simple random sampling through balloting was used to select the one to participate. The DEOs and DICECE Officers of the selected districts were selected purposively to participate in the study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the ECE head teachers and teachers, interview schedules from the DEOs and DICECE officers and observation schedules used to collect data on availability of physical facilities. The instruments were validated through expert judgement and pilot-testing. The findings revealed that parents were the main financiers of ECE programs. The study recommended that; ECE should be streamlined within the policy of free primary education.enStakeholders, Finances, Early Childhood Education CentresFinancing mechanisms in early childhood education in Kenya: A case of Kakamega countyArticle