Ocharo, Vicky Kemunto2021-03-192021-03-192016-05Ocharo, V.K. (2016). Perceived Influence of Succession Management on Performance of State Corporations in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Industrial Estates Ltd (Kie): Daystar University, School of Business and Economics. Nairobi.https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3435Master of Business Administration in Strategic and Human Resources ManagementThe purpose of this study was to find out the perceived influence of succession management on performance of state corporations in Kenya using a case of Kenya Industrial Estates Ltd. The specific objectives were to determine the perceived influence of succession management on performance of Kenya Industrial Estates; to investigate the influence that the organizational structure had on performance of Kenya Industrial Estate; to examine the role of staff development towards performance of Kenya Industrial Estate and to assess the roles of leadership and employee commitment on performance of Kenya Industrial Estate. The study adopted a descriptive research design and employed a stratified random sampling technique. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and analysed by the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21.0. The study found that succession management influenced turnover rate, it enhanced performance by improving staff retention and improved productivity and internal process in the organization among others. The conclusion was that, succession management enhanced productivity at KIE through succession plans put in place that gave support to succession management undertaken though it was not practised equitably hence, the recommendation was to have management develop standard procedures in the organization’s operational manual. Also, the organizational structure at KIE supported succession management since most employees’ positions were factored in it indicating staff growth. Presence of staff training and development gave support to succession management by preparing employees for succession, this helped influence performance positively at KIE but at the same time it was concluded that employees were not very sensitized on succession management and its benefits hence the recommendation for management to put in place informative strategies.enInfluence of Succession Management on PerformanceState Corporations in KenyaKenya Industrial Estates Ltd (Kie)Perceived Influence of Succession Management on Performance of State Corporations in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Industrial Estates Ltd (KIE)Thesis