Obure, SarahIreri, Niceta WanjalaMenecha, Jared2022-12-092022-12-092021-09Obure, S., Ireri, N. W. & Menecha, J. (2021). The Relationship between Prevalence of Marriage Conflicts and Marital Instability among Middle-Aged Couples in Suneka Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. Journal of Psychology, 3(3), 15-23. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t30022706-6622https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4006Journal ArticleThis study sought to establish the prevalence of marriage conflicts and marital instability among middle-aged couples in Suneka, Kisii County. The target population of the research was 1000 participants, with a focus on the middle-aged couples in Suneka, Kisii. The study was quantitative and employed a descriptive design. The study randomly drew a sample of 314 from the target population using Yaro Yamane formulae. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire of 32 items. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the 314 respondents and after two months she went back and collected the filled questionnaires. The data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 and presented using tables. The findings of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between couples’ prevalence and their marital stability. The study recommends that married couples need help in learning how to deal with conflicts. Teaching biblical principles of marriage can reduce if not end the trend of marital instability. This would be in line with Christian belief that God created man and woman and blessed their union to be a lifetime. However, as other factors may center on highly functioning marriages, quality sex life among couples is the main tributary of it (communication) to enhance the joyful and thankful relationship.enmarital instabilitymarried couples,Prevalence of marriage conflictsThe Relationship between Prevalence of Marriage Conflicts and Marital Instability among Middle-Aged Couples in Suneka SubCounty, Kisii County, KenyaArticle