Ndanu, Jeniffer Mutie2023-05-082023-05-082022-10Ndanu.J.N.(2022).The Impact of Crisis Response Strategies in Managing Corporate Reputation in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Daystar University, Kenya:Daystar University School of Communication(Thesis)https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4099MASTER OF ARTS in CommunicationThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of crisis response strategies in managing Daystar University’s corporate reputation during the students’ unrest. The objectives of the study were to establish the crisis response strategies used to inform the internal publics during the crisis, to establish the reputation the internal publics hold towards the University after the crisis, and to determine the impact the crisis response strategies had on the reputation of the University during the students’ unrest. The study adopted a descriptive research design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The population of the study comprised of 1,732 students who were present at the time of the unrest, and 7 members of the crisis communication committee team. The sample size was 96 students and 2 crisis communication committee members. The study employed the stratified sampling whereby the population was divided into subgroups, that is, according to the program and level the students were in. Questionnaires were employed on the students to collect data, while an interview guide was used on the crisis communication team members. The collected data was analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and qualitatively using thematic analysis approach. The findings of the study revealed that the management used dialogue, involvement, and timeliness as response strategies to handle the crisis, and that they accepted full responsibility for the crisis. The study recommends that the concept of crisis management in higher learning institutions must be kept up to date and updated in accordance with the characteristics of public opinion events in the micro-age.enCrisis Response StrategiesManaging Corporate ReputationHigher Learning InstitutionsDaystar UniversityThe Impact of Crisis Response Strategies in Managing Corporate Reputation in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Daystar University, KenyaThesis