Kiplagat, Emmily J.Tucholski, HenrykNjiru, Lucy2024-09-232024-09-232019Kiplagat, E. J., Tucholski, H., & Njiru, L. (2019). Correlation between Psycho-Spiritual Wellbeing and Happiness among Consecrated Religious Women in Nairobi County, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology ArticleEmpirical studies associate psychological well-being with well-defined life satisfaction and high levels of spiritual wellbeing and happiness. Consecrated religious women with the purpose of serving humanity, are expected to have high levels of psycho-spiritual wellbeing and happiness yet some of them suffer from suicidal ideation, depression and other psychological complications. There is scarcity of empirical studies in Kenya especially on psycho-spiritual wellbeing and happiness among consecrated religious women. The present study investigated the correlation between psycho-spiritual wellbeing and happiness among consecrated religious women (n=238). The study employed a correlational design with systematic random sampling technique. Psychological wellbeing scale (PWB), spiritual wellbeing scale (SWB), subjective happiness scale (SHS) and satisfaction with life scale (SWL) were utilized in collecting data. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. Results revealed a statistically insignificant positive correlation between psychological wellbeing and happiness (r = .033, p > .01, n = 238). The study further revealed a statistically significant positive correlation (r = .247, p = < .01, n = 238) between psychological wellbeing and spiritual wellbeing. Results also showed a notable statistical significant correlation between level of education and happiness (r = .184, p = < .01, n = 238). Ultimately, the current study underscored the need to focus on the psychological wellbeing, which could impact significantly on both spiritual wellbeing and happiness of the consecrated religious women.enwellbeingpsychological wellbeingspiritual wellbeinghappinessCorrelation between Psycho-Spiritual Wellbeing and Happiness among Consecrated Religious Women in Nairobi County, KenyaArticle