Muhati, Esther2024-05-022024-05-022023-10Muhati, E., (2023, Thesis). Exploring matatu culture and road safety concerns on Rongai-Nairobi route, Kenya. School of Communication, Daystar University ThesisThis study explored matatu culture on road safety concerns on Ongata Rongai route in Nairobi, Kenya. The objectives were to investigate the meaning of matatu culture from the perspective of the matatu drivers along the Ongata-Rongai route in Nairobi, examine how the matatu culture may have fueled road safety concerns among road users, and explore traffic police officers’ response towards the matatu culture and its effect on road safety. The theory used in the study was the social cognitive theory. This study made use of the descriptive research design. The research population for the study consisted of sample size of 25 subjects (10 matatu drivers, 10 road users, and 5 traffic police officers). The study employed purposive sampling and utilized primary data derived from interview as instrument for data collection. The researcher also utilized secondary data from reports, online sources and from academic journals with regards to the main purpose of the research study. The findings reveal that the matatu culture embodied various aspects such as vehicle decoration, competition among drivers, and providing a comfortable and entertaining ride experience for passengers. The messages conveyed through the matatu culture can range from promoting businesses to reflecting the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the drivers and passengers. The findings further revealed that passengers also play a role in encouraging this behavior by choosing matatus with graffiti and pressuring drivers to speed up. In conclusion, to address the challenges posed by the matatu culture, the study recommended that a multifaceted approach is required, including addressing the influence of powerful groups, educating drivers and passengers on safe road behavior, and enforcing road safety regulations effectively. It is crucial to prioritize road safety and promote a culture of safety where all road users prioritize safety for themselves and others.enMatatu cultureRoad safetyRongai-NairobiKenyaExploring Matatu Culture and Road Safety Concerns on Rongai-Nairobi Route, Kenya.Thesis