Waweru, Brian Mugo2024-05-082024-05-082023-10Brian M. W,. (2023, Thesis). Business - level strategies and performance of selected Private hospitals within mombasa county, kenya.https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4537Masters ThesisThe purpose of this research was to determine the effect of business level strategies and performance in selected private hospitals within Mombasa County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were determine the extent to which business level strategies were adopted by selected private hospital within Mombasa County, Kenya, to examine the performance of selected private hospitals and to investigate the effect of business level strategies on performance of selected private hospitals. The study employed a descriptive research design. The sample size included 110 respondents selected through stratified random sampling. Primary Data collected using a questionnaire issued to a sample population of respondents in the management and administration positions of the Mombasa hospital and Aga Khan Hospital in Mombasa County. Secondary data was obtained from financial reports and projects undertaken by the hospitals and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28. The study revealed that 80% of both Mombasa Hospital and Aga Khan Hospital had implemented various business-level strategies which include differentiation, focused differentiation, and low-cost leadership. These strategies have contributed to improved hospital performance, particularly in terms of patient turnaround time and the efficiency of service delivery. Adoption of business-level strategies has positively impacted the hospitals' ability to provide effective and timely healthcare services. The study concluded that the Mombasa Hospital and Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa had over the years achieved both growth in revenue and also improvement in patient satisfaction. The study recommends that the management of both hospitals work towards ensuring that all the business – level strategies in all its departments are fully integrated so as to enhance efficiency in operations and in turn reduce patient costs while at the same time maintaining the quality of health.enPrivate hospitalsMombasa countyKenyaBusiness - Level Strategies and Performance of Selected Private Hospitals Within Mombasa County, KenyaThesis