Waithima, Abraham K.Waithima, Charity2021-06-102021-06-102015Waithima, A and Waithima, C. (2015) Effects of divorce and separation on children in Oladipo, R (ed). Towards redeeming Christian marriage and Family in Kenya. Daystar University, Nairob978-9966-936-01-1https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3568It also comes out clearly that many couples do not reflect on the effect which their decision to divorce or separate could have on their children. In Chapter Four on the “Effects of Divorce and Separation on Children”, Dr. Abraham Waithima and Charity Waithima provide ample evidence that indicates that children are at the receiving end of marital conflict, and can manifest guilt feeling, poor performance in school, rebellion and negative attitude to marriage, among others. The chapter is a caution to those contemplating leaving each other to give serious consideration to their children.enDivorceSeparationChildrenEffects of divorce and separation on childrenBook chapter