Cheruiyot, BMuiruri, LillianNjuguna, Susan2021-11-232021-11-232019World Journal of Medical Education and Research:Volume 20, Issue 1, 20192052-1715 Management Information Systems (HMIS) has the potential to improve the quality of services delivered, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers through the integration of various hospital functional units. However, the benefits of this implementation in service delivery have not been adequately addressed. This study sought to appraise the impact of the implementation of HMIS, on service delivery in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, (MTRH). The objectives of the study were: to examine the level of implementation of HMIS in MTRH; to establish the strategies motivating implementation and utilisation of HMIS, to assess the benefits that have been realized in utilizing Hospital Management Information Systems, and to assess the effect of HMIS on service delivery in MTRH. Cross sectional descriptive research design was utilised in the study; the sample size formula proposed by Cooper and Schildler formula was used to obtain 240 respondents from a target population of 587 users of HMIS. A structured closed-ended questionnaire and interviews were administered. Quantitative data was obtained, coded using SPSS v.21. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, i.e. mean and standard deviations and inferential statistics i.e. Pearson Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. Of the 240 questionnaires distributed, 192 were filled and returned, with most respondents familiar with HMIS. The respondents moderately agreed that the implementation of HMIS was done well and as per expectations. The Hospital Records module had the highest implementation level, while Consulting Doctor module scored the lowest. On the level of utilisation of HMIS, the result indicate that the mean values were above average on a five point Likert scale. The Further Records module had the highest implementation level, with the majority agreeing that the module had been adequately utilised. Conversely, the Consulting Doctor module posted the lowest utilisation level. On the strategies motivating the utilisation of HMIS results indicate that the strategy of allaying perceptions and fears among staff on the use of HMIS is the one mostly deployed by the hospital in order to improve the level of Utilisation of HMIS. Results indicated that the anticipated benefits of HMIS were all above average. The results of the regression analysis suggested that HMIS implementation (β=.215, p˂0.05), HMIS Utilisation (β= ..697, p˂0.05), motivation strategy (β= .193, p˂0.05), and HMIS benefits (β= .045, p˂0.05) had a positive significant effect on service delivery. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. The value of the F-statistic is (F=172.917, p˂0.05) is robust. The coefficient of determination value of R2= .787 means that 78.7% of the variation in service delivery at the hospital can be explained by HMIS. The study recommends that a policy be drafted to entrench HMIS implementation and utilisation in the country.enHospital Management Information SystemsService DeliveryImplementationImplementation of Hospital Management information Systems on service delivery at Moi Teaching and Referral HospitalArticle