Muindi, AgnesIreri, NicetaMenecha, Jared Bravin2024-09-262024-09-262020Muindi A., Ireri N. & Menecha J. (2020). The Prevalence of Psychological Problems of Students from Single Parent Families and Their Academic Performances: A Case of Mukaa Sub-County, Makueni County, Kenya. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, Vol 2(1) pp. 30-502706 - 6622 ArticleSingle parent family is a very crucial social issue and can likely have a significant effect on a child academic success. This study sought to investigate the prevalence of psychological problems of student from single parent families and their academic performances. It adopted quantitative research method. The population of the study was 42 Public schools from Mukaa Sub-County Makueni. Systematic sampling procedure was used to get 20 schools, from which purposive sampling was employed to get 5 students from each school making a total of 100 respondents. The findings from the study showed that the prevalence of psychological problems of students from single parent families was high thus negatively affecting academic performance. The findings also showed that the students were experiencing low self-esteem while their anger levels were mostly severe clinical. Further, the findings showed that the students were depressed and were quite anxious which made it somewhat difficult for them to perform well at home and even in school. The study concluded that the prevalence of psychological problems, that is, low self-esteem, depression, anger levels and anxiety are all affecting the academic performance of secondary school students from Mukaa Sub-County. Based on these research findings, it was recommended that secondary school boards should strive to strengthen the guidance and counseling departments as this will provide an avenue for the students to seek help for the psychological problems they are encountering. It is also recommended that the Ministry of Education should ensure that all secondary schools have guidance and counseling teachers who are fully trained to offer counseling services to the affected students. Another recommendation is that single parents should consider taking their children for private counseling sessions during school holidays in an endevour to boost their self-esteem as this will eventually lead to lower anger levels, elimination of anxiety and depression thus enhancing their academic performanceenPrevalencePsychological ProblemsSingle Parent FamiliesAcademic PerformancesThe Prevalence of Psychological Problems of Students from Single Parent Families and Their Academic Performances: A Case of Mukaa Sub-County, Makueni County, KenyaArticle